Root Canals - Woodland Hills, CA

Root Canal Woodland Hills, CAIf a tooth has a severe infection, then it might be necessary to clean out the root so that the infection can be eliminated. As a comprehensive dental care provider, Woodland Hills Dental Care provides root canal therapy to residents of Woodland Hills and surrounding communities. A root canal treatment can be used to save the tooth, giving you the option to protect your natural smile for many years. With advanced training and state of the art equipment, Our team makes endodontic therapy a much more streamlined and enjoyable experience for patients.

What Is A Root Canal?

A root canal therapy sounds scary, but the procedure is hardly any more complicated than an ordinary filling. To do a filling, your dentist removes decayed areas from the surface of a tooth, while for a root canal she removes the dead nerve from the center. This may require two appointments, but luckily, a dead nerve cannot feel any pain! If a dead nerve is discovered early enough, a root canal can actually help you keep the affected tooth in place. If left untreated, however, there can be serious consequences, such as painful abscesses in the surrounding tissue. An abscess shows up on an x-ray as a dark spot below the root tip, and you may not feel any pain because you don’t have an abscess, yet. But root structure can be complicated, and a specialist called an Endodontist may be needed to find all of the branching pathways of the root pulp.

Why Not Just Pull The Tooth Out?

If you are happy with? a hole where your tooth used to be, then sure, it would be cheaper and easier to simply remove the dead tooth. Maybe the toothless smile of a hockey player will be in fashion next year. Until then, most of us prefer a complete smile! Keeping your natural tooth in place beats an implant in looks, cost, and natural sensation. Dentists are taught to preserve your natural teeth whenever possible.

How Do I Know If I Need A Root Canal?

If you are lucky, your dentist will find the problem before you feel any pain or discomfort. If you decide to “wait and watch”, here are the signs that it is time to pick up the phone because the problem is spreading to the gum and bone surrounding the tooth. Visit Us for a root canal in Woodland Hills.

  • You feel lingering tooth pain from hot or cold liquids.
  • Bite pressure is painful.
  • Tapping on the tooth is painful.
  • The tooth is waking you up at night.
  • Pain is radiating from one area of your mouth to another.
  • A pimple forms on your gum, maybe releasing pus and/or blood.

Waiting too long can result in damage to surrounding gum and bone, making for a more expensive procedure in the future. And pain.

Woodland Hills Root Canals From An Experienced Team

Since a root canal is a detailed dental procedure, it is important that you choose a dental team you can trust. We provide the latest advances in technology and a highly trained staff. You can relax in the dental chair knowing that we always offer top-notch dental services.

The only way to know if a root canal treatment is necessary is by talking to an experienced dental team. We invite you to schedule a consultation with our Woodland Hills endodontic specialist so that we can discuss your individual needs. These personalized recommendations will help you choose the treatments that will protect your smile.

For more information about root canals and other dental services, call us at (818) 347-3535 to schedule a consultation.

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